
#WANT: Ombre Hair

took the plunge and 'bobbed' my hair back in august, but now i want to grow it to a super long bob and ombre to an uber light blonde.  ive only see a few ginger heads that have ombred their hair so i think it wold be a nice change, i've never dyed my hair before and am a bit scared about the change but i hopefully by the summer i will have newly dip dyed locks and ready to hit the sun!

#Topshop Want - blue blue blue


quick saturday night topshop window shop and i come across these beautiful dresses! My favourite is the neon tie dye mini dress, its beutiful!  The 3 dress price from £29 - £42, i think way student loan arrives in 2 weeks i have some serious shopping to be done!


#Tickle my fancy.

Just a few images that i found when online earlier that i found particularly inspiring and interesting! 

#Focus,Believe, Achieve

These past few weeks i've been so bored at home doing nothing except going to the gym, i've had way to much time to over think and make my brain work overtime with thinking ahead to the future etc.  But today i reflected, read a few blogs and realised a whole load of everything!

Theres no denying that i haven't tried or pushed myself as much as i possible during my first year at uni.  Its definitely shown in my grades.  In my final project after the easter break i'm determined to change this and prove my tutors wrong.  I've never be one to settle for second best or bottom of the pile, i have always had the mind set to achieve at a high standard.  Don't get me wrong i totally love my course and have enjoyed every minute of it but i have just felt a bit lost.  Whilst at school i was constantly aided by teachers in every step i took and the help and encouragement from them mixed with my passion and dedication worked amazingly and it paid off, answering and resolving questions during your projects to reach full potential.  I then jumped straight to University where we get very little guidance in our projects, and all questions are asked at the end during the Crit, when its too late then the projects done, your work has been marked.  Now i am used to the way of teaching in university i now understand how much work must be done to achieve my desired grades.  I want to leave my 3rd year with a 2.1 a 1st would be amazing but a 2.1 would be fantastic!  to get these grades i need to focus, believe, achieve.  

I have been reading a few blogs of people who are currently doing/ completed there fashion design degree.  And by reading these have definitely helped my understand that you haven't got to be a crazy designer to be a good designer  and it is ok to stay true to myself and who i want to be.  with that its still ok to enjoy the likes of Mary Katrantzou, Comme des Garçon & McQueen shows and collections.  But accepting i maybe more of a Valentino, Erdem, & Chloe kinda of gal. 

Enough of my ramblings and lets look forward to the future, hopefully a good one!! I'm hoping that my new blog mantra and design will encourage all of my efforts in the next few months!

Much Love 


#Olly Murs


Tonight i saw the wonderful don, that is Olly Murs for the 6th time! and yet again he remained to impress as per! he is my one true love, my no.1, the man i worship and would happily marry in an instant! lets face you'd be stupid not to ;) ahhhhhhh.  I LOVE HIM <3

 Loveable Rogues and Tich, are supporting his Right Place Right Time 2013 Tour, and Loveable Rogues were very impressive and Tich was very good too!  The concert was held at Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena, (CIA) 

Tich - Dumb

Loveable Rogues - What A Night

Just a few snaps from my iPhone.  I never manage to get any good shots whenever im at a gig, but im managed to use the HDR function on my camera which worked much better than the standard settings!!

I hope to get an outfit post up tomorrow of what i wore tonight and hopefully i can show off my new shirt that should fingers crossed come in the post tomorrow!

Much Love




so its been a week already since i arrived home from uni.  its insane how quickly time is going, i have 3 weeks left and will be going back before we know it.  as much as i am enjoying having my food cooked for me, my clothes washed etc, i miss uni so so so much!  i am suprisingly not enjoying having no work to do this holiday,  i am so wired to having a constant work load my brain doesn't function having a life and free time very well.  I've been doodling here and there but spent most of my time lusting over clothes that i cant buy :( sucks balls that! but i did treat myself with 25% ASOS earlier this week. who wouldn't..

with online shopping and other forms of media and TV advertising you can't help notice the huge hype over the 90's right now! lets face it The Big Reunion is everyones guilty pleasure, 5ive, Blue, Atomic Kitten, BEWITCHED!! I am loving the return of double denim and dungarees, definitely a true 90's kid me.

i've always had a bit of an obsession with floral prints, but im absolutely obsessing over these floral pants!  i think theyre totally gorge!  also the vintage denim culottes are the cutest trousers i have seen in ages,  there just so fun and now!  the Fashion Photography course were asked to find an image that they wish they had taken which they had to present and explain why.  i had never thought of looking at clothing and designers in this way, i think it really helps you appreciate who/what you want to be.

whilst lusting over all of these gorgeous clothes i treated myself to this gorgeous shirt..

i personally love the print in this and the colour is gorgeous, but im sure my friends will think differently!  im hoping it will come monday morning in time for me to go and see olly murs for the 6th time in concert Monday night.. fingers crossed!

Much Love



#Term as a Fashion Student at Falmouth

Second term at uni is coming to an end.  i cannot believe how quickly the term has gone, its insane!! so much has happened in 10 weeks! Denim Project, Research, Design, Make & Crit, Yoga Brief, Research, Design, Make & Crit, London Fashion Week, Collaborations with Fashion Photography, and House hunting for next year with my best friend!  its been insane, it really has.

Before starting uni everyone i spoke to about doing fashion design said how intense the course was and how fast paced everything was.  i have never heard such truer words spoke.  no matter how much someone tells you how intense it is, you can't ever prepare yourself enough.  there is never enough hours in the day to do everything, its usually the socialising that takes a side track unfortunately.  but i have found you are never ever bored!  its impossible.  we have just finished our 2nd major project of the term and found out we don't have an easter project, which came as a massive shock.  meaning 4 weeks of nothing.  in a weirdly nerdy way im kind of disappointed   i like being occupied i dont like doing nothing, but im sure i can find something to do :)

But for now im just going chill in my last few days of term and make the most of being in sunny Falmouth.  Maybe even pop to the beach tomorrow afternoon,  i definitely dont take enough advantage of being so near to the sea.  

Much Love 
